среда, 6 февраля 2013 г.

Google Web Interface and Search Language Codes


  This article contains a list of the Google web interface language  codes (hl=) and the search language codes (lr=) that can be inserted  to the URL (web address) in the address bar of the web browser when  using a Google service in case you are having problems with your  language settings with Google. At the moment (June 2012) there  are 149 web interface language codes and 46 search language codes. The  language codes have been collected from the HTML source of the Google  Preferences page, so you can find them from there also. This page  is intended mainly to list the language codes, so you can copy the  characters (for example hl=en or lr=lang_en) to the URL you are using,  but you may also get directly to your preferred language interface  page or search language page by clicking the appropriate link on one  of the two below lists.    Keep in mind that not all the Google services have been translated to  all the languages listed below. Also, adding the language codes after  any URL will not work, so you may need to do some experimenting to  find out where you can add them.    

Usage Examples

For example, if you are using the Google Web Search page and the URL  in the address bar of your web browser is:       http://www.google.com/search?    you can define the web interface language to be English by adding  hl=en to the end of the URL and after the change the URL will look  like this:       http://www.google.com/search?hl=en    When you use more than one setting code in the URL, you need to use  the & character between them. For example, if you also want to define  the search language to be English you need to use the & character  between the codes like this:       http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=lang_en    Because the above URL probably won't work so that the selected search  language will be used if you try do a search on that page, you also  need to add a search query (q=) to the URL, so the resulting URL will  be:       http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=lang_en&q=example    Remember to press Enter (or equivalent key) on your keyboard after  adding the needed characters.    

Web Interface Language Codes

hl=af          Afrikaans  hl=ak          Akan  hl=sq          Albanian  hl=am          Amharic  hl=ar          Arabic  hl=hy          Armenian  hl=az          Azerbaijani  hl=eu          Basque  hl=be          Belarusian  hl=bem         Bemba  hl=bn          Bengali  hl=bh          Bihari  hl=xx-bork     Bork, bork, bork!  hl=bs          Bosnian  hl=br          Breton  hl=bg          Bulgarian  hl=km          Cambodian  hl=ca          Catalan  hl=chr         Cherokee  hl=ny          Chichewa  hl=zh-CN       Chinese (Simplified)  hl=zh-TW       Chinese (Traditional)  hl=co          Corsican  hl=hr          Croatian  hl=cs          Czech  hl=da          Danish  hl=nl          Dutch  hl=xx-elmer    Elmer Fudd  hl=en          English  hl=eo          Esperanto  hl=et          Estonian  hl=ee          Ewe  hl=fo          Faroese  hl=tl          Filipino  hl=fi          Finnish  hl=fr          French  hl=fy          Frisian  hl=gaa         Ga  hl=gl          Galician  hl=ka          Georgian  hl=de          German  hl=el          Greek  hl=gn          Guarani  hl=gu          Gujarati  hl=xx-hacker   Hacker  hl=ht          Haitian Creole  hl=ha          Hausa  hl=haw         Hawaiian  hl=iw          Hebrew  hl=hi          Hindi  hl=hu          Hungarian  hl=is          Icelandic  hl=ig          Igbo  hl=id          Indonesian  hl=ia          Interlingua  hl=ga          Irish  hl=it          Italian  hl=ja          Japanese  hl=jw          Javanese  hl=kn          Kannada  hl=kk          Kazakh  hl=rw          Kinyarwanda  hl=rn          Kirundi  hl=xx-klingon  Klingon  hl=kg          Kongo  hl=ko          Korean  hl=kri         Krio (Sierra Leone)  hl=ku          Kurdish  hl=ckb         Kurdish (Soranî)  hl=ky          Kyrgyz  hl=lo          Laothian  hl=la          Latin  hl=lv          Latvian  hl=ln          Lingala  hl=lt          Lithuanian  hl=loz         Lozi  hl=lg          Luganda  hl=ach         Luo  hl=mk          Macedonian  hl=mg          Malagasy  hl=ms          Malay  hl=ml          Malayalam  hl=mt          Maltese  hl=mi          Maori  hl=mr          Marathi  hl=mfe         Mauritian Creole  hl=mo          Moldavian  hl=mn          Mongolian  hl=sr-ME       Montenegrin  hl=ne          Nepali  hl=pcm         Nigerian Pidgin  hl=nso         Northern Sotho  hl=no          Norwegian  hl=nn          Norwegian (Nynorsk)  hl=oc          Occitan  hl=or          Oriya  hl=om          Oromo  hl=ps          Pashto  hl=fa          Persian  hl=xx-pirate   Pirate  hl=pl          Polish  hl=pt-BR       Portuguese (Brazil)  hl=pt-PT       Portuguese (Portugal)  hl=pa          Punjabi  hl=qu          Quechua  hl=ro          Romanian  hl=rm          Romansh  hl=nyn         Runyakitara  hl=ru          Russian  hl=gd          Scots Gaelic  hl=sr          Serbian  hl=sh          Serbo-Croatian  hl=st          Sesotho  hl=tn          Setswana  hl=crs         Seychellois Creole  hl=sn          Shona  hl=sd          Sindhi  hl=si          Sinhalese  hl=sk          Slovak  hl=sl          Slovenian  hl=so          Somali  hl=es          Spanish  hl=es-419      Spanish (Latin American)  hl=su          Sundanese  hl=sw          Swahili  hl=sv          Swedish  hl=tg          Tajik  hl=ta          Tamil  hl=tt          Tatar  hl=te          Telugu  hl=th          Thai  hl=ti          Tigrinya  hl=to          Tonga  hl=lua         Tshiluba  hl=tum         Tumbuka  hl=tr          Turkish  hl=tk          Turkmen  hl=tw          Twi  hl=ug          Uighur  hl=uk          Ukrainian  hl=ur          Urdu  hl=uz          Uzbek  hl=vi          Vietnamese  hl=cy          Welsh  hl=wo          Wolof  hl=xh          Xhosa  hl=yi          Yiddish  hl=yo          Yoruba  hl=zu          Zulu        

Search Language Codes

lr=lang_af    Afrikaans  lr=lang_ar    Arabic  lr=lang_hy    Armenian  lr=lang_be    Belarusian  lr=lang_bg    Bulgarian  lr=lang_ca    Catalan  lr=lang_zh-CN Chinese (Simplified)  lr=lang_zh-TW Chinese (Traditional)  lr=lang_hr    Croatian  lr=lang_cs    Czech  lr=lang_da    Danish  lr=lang_nl    Dutch  lr=lang_en    English  lr=lang_eo    Esperanto  lr=lang_et    Estonian  lr=lang_tl    Filipino  lr=lang_fi    Finnish  lr=lang_fr    French  lr=lang_de    German  lr=lang_el    Greek  lr=lang_iw    Hebrew  lr=lang_hi    Hindi  lr=lang_hu    Hungarian  lr=lang_is    Icelandic  lr=lang_id    Indonesian  lr=lang_it    Italian  lr=lang_ja    Japanese  lr=lang_ko    Korean  lr=lang_lv    Latvian  lr=lang_lt    Lithuanian  lr=lang_no    Norwegian  lr=lang_fa    Persian  lr=lang_pl    Polish  lr=lang_pt    Portuguese  lr=lang_ro    Romanian  lr=lang_ru    Russian  lr=lang_sr    Serbian  lr=lang_sk    Slovak  lr=lang_sl    Slovenian  lr=lang_es    Spanish  lr=lang_sw    Swahili  lr=lang_sv    Swedish  lr=lang_th    Thai  lr=lang_tr    Turkish  lr=lang_uk    Ukrainian  lr=lang_vi    Vietnamese      

Short Textual List of Only the Language Codes

af, ach, ak, am, ar, az, be, bem, bg, bh, bn, br, bs, ca, chr, ckb,   co, crs, cs, cy, da, de, ee, el, en, eo, es, es-419, et, eu, fa, fi,   fo, fr, fy, ga, gaa, gd, gl, gn, gu, ha, haw, hi, hr, ht, hu, hy, ia,   id, ig, is, it, iw, ja, jw, ka, kg, kk, km, kn, ko, kri, ku, ky, la,   lg, ln, lo, loz, lt, lua, lv, mfe, mg, mi, mk, ml, mn, mo, mr, ms, mt,  ne, nl, nn, no, nso, ny, nyn, oc, om, or, pa, pcm, pl, ps, pt-BR,   pt-PT, qu, rm, rn, ro, ru, rw, sd, sh, si, sk, sl, sn, so, sq, sr,   sr-ME, st, su, sv, sw, ta, te, tg, th, ti, tk, tl, tn, to, tr, tt,   tum, tw, ug, uk, ur, uz, vi, wo, xh, xx-bork, xx-elmer, xx-hacker,   xx-klingon, xx-pirate, yi, yo, zh-CN, zh-TW, zu.

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